
A fresh angle on sexual violence and domestic abuse

Angles is a programme run by Heard

As a society, we know we need to talk more about sexual violence and domestic abuse.


For survivors, sharing experiences can be empowering, therapeutic and rewarding. But it can also be deeply traumatic.


It’s challenging as well for media professionals and creators who’re communicating those stories. Sensitive reporting and authentic representation is vital. The vast majority want to get it right since they recognise the media play a major role in how we, as a society, think and feel about the topic.


With those two perspectives in mind, Heard believes bringing these groups together is essential for this big and important conversation to move forward.


We do that via our programme, Angles. It’s designed to promote better understanding of the topic, and shape better content.


How do we do that?


Angles is a network that brings groups together.


The network supports people with lived experience of sexual and domestic abuse via a mixture of training and peer support. We help people to develop communication skills so they feel confident telling their story. It’s about really being heard – and being able to shift audiences perspectives.


For media professionals, the programme not only offers access to fresh angles on sexual violence and domestic abuse, but also valuable introductions to survivors and practitioners.


We can provide spokespeople, comment, contacts, consultation and access to resources. Better understanding and connections lead to better storytelling.


We create space for survivors and media professionals to come together and connect on a human level for safe, curious, productive conversations. These interactions are an opportunity to gain much deeper understanding.


There have been lots of successful outcomes for this work. For example, the Angles network collaborated on Netflix’s Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story documentary [2022] – a series hailed for showing the societal and institutional factors that play a role in perpetuating sexual abuse.


The objective for Angles to show the bigger picture – and how together we can shape a society where everyone can be safe.


Do you work in the media? Get in touch.


Are you a survivor interested in joining our network? Please use our contact form to speak to us. Please be aware Angles is specifically focussed on media engagement, and practicing self-care while doing this.


Heard also runs programmes in areas such as children’s palliative care, poverty, migration, transgender experiences and climate change.